Friday, July 17, 2009

life and wisdom

every days flaws just like a wind blows..
no one's perfect anyway..

it's fun to laugh at the mistakes we did,
better than to feel anything emotional about it.
something that might be coming in our way will not be change for anything anyway..


just read a book titled "the present"
and it makes me more appreciate the 'now'

but then again..

i still get lost in one or two ways out of my self..

between making things better from learning past mistakes
with prepare the now to face the future..

i feel like i always inclinged to my emotions.. and ruled by moods..

life and wisdom..

like a deep breath taken in the mountain breeze..

inhale the wisdom can fresh our soul, and make us able to handle our own mistakes
and maybe,

forgive our self for all the flaws,
and realize
that we are only human..

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

takdir dan keberuntungan

ada yang mengatakan bahwa keberuntungan adalah persiapan yang bertemu dengan kesempatan.

takdir terjadi saat kita mengambil kesempatan tersebut..

keuntungan dapat diambil, bila kita berhasil memanfaatkan kesempatan tersebut dengan sebaik-baiknya.

untuk itu diperlukan strategi, langkah yang hati-hati, dan rencana yang teliti.

belum lagi, mitra-mitra yang terpercaya..

oke, guess it's my faith after all..

ternyata bener ya, bila kita bersyukur,

maka Allah pasti akan membukakan nikmatnya..

dan bila kita tidak bersyukur, sesungguhnya azabnya amat pedih..

Allahu.. ajarkan aku untuk bersyukur..